Monday, April 21, 2008

Screwtape 22-24

I chose to write on letter 22. After reading this letter I could not wait to read the following letters. I was interested in what Screwtape would have Wormwood do because of this new relationship and also the fact that the girl is a devout Christian, the worst kind of girl according to Screwtape. I also was interested with how Screwtape related the Christian faith in the household of the girl to a tainted smell. He says that anyone who goes in that house smells of it and therefore it was a place that the patient should have never entered, because it is a temptation to go towards the Christian side or evil side and forget all that Wormwood had done so far in the case. This letter has been my favorite so far, I am attracted to this letter because of the way that Screwtape handles this new information.

1 comment:

jamm~en said...

I agree with you , about this letter. Screwtape knows that a Devout Christian girl can help keep the patient focus on God and encourage him through any of his doubt and struggles with his beleif about Christianity.This girl can be positive enforcement for the patient.