Thursday, March 6, 2008

Screwtape 8-11

I chose to write about letter number eight because I was intrigued about certain lines from this letter. As I was reading the first time I was just doing just that reading and not really looking into anything that was being said. Then when I went back and reread everything this letter caught my eye. The first thing that caught my eye was the line "Humans are amphibians- half spirit and half animal" (p. 37). This actually made me laugh because it was a different way of looking at the human life. I thought about it a little deeper and it made complete sense. I do have the animal side of myself where I can die and my physical body will rot away. Then there is the spiritual side which is never ending. The spirit can live with out a body to support it. I kept reading and the next thing which supported what I thought about the human/ amphibian comment was "As spirits they belong to the eternal world, but as animals they inhabit time" (p.37). I felt that this was an accurate statement made by Screwtape. Those were the main statements from letter 8 which intrigued me. I generally liked the letter but those two parts were the best for me.


bbeanerbbear said...

I like chapter 8 too. it was the most interesting to me because i would have never thought of it beyond of what you said. I guess i didn't think much of of what you quoted. But what you wrote was interesting. it gives me another thought on human spirituality and the animal side.

Stephen said...

These two distinct qualities that you talk about in your post make human beings so much more unique than any other of God's creations. Not to put down anything that God created, humans just have so much more going on in their lives to work at and live for. The devil is trying to robe people of this work and make humans use their animal side for his pleasure.

Anonymous said...

I like this amphibian outlook on a humans being. The philosophical notion that we belong to two parts of existence is very true indeed. Its better to analyze thoughts of one's mind through metaphorical usage because sometimes it hard to explain to a big group of people to what your trying to explain. This quote you used was very funny to me also.